Company Coin Strategy

The Blockchain based Digital Currency for companies

Davide Casaleggio

Company Coin allows companies to evolve their business from a smart perspective, innovating the processes and interactions between individuals.

The corporate digital currency based on blockchain can be designed to optimize internal business processes such as salaries, welfare, benefits, cost management of projects and services, transactions between various departments or various branches of the firm, tracking in real-time of all company cash flows.
The Company Coin can also be used for the execution of external transactions with suppliers and other companies but, above all, with customers and private individuals for payments, user engagement, loyalty programs and ownership of goods and services.

Thanks to the programmability of the Company Coin enabled by the use of Smart Contracts, it is possible to automate processes, reduce the number of transactions in traditional external systems, guarantee privacy and security.


Creating a Company Coin or Company Token allows your organization to:

Coinvolgere e fidelizzare clientiEngage and retain customers
Automatizzare tramite Smart ContractAutomate through Smart Contract
Tracciare cash flow aziendaleTrack corporate cash flow
Aumentare la sicurezzaIncrease security
Semplificare la gestione del budgetSimplify budget management
Ridurre tempi e costi invio denaroReduce the time and cost of sending money
Conservare la governance in aziendaMaintain governance in the company
Posizionarsi come key innovatorPosition yourself as a key innovator

The technology in numbers

10% of world GDP by 2027 will be generated by products and services provided via Blockchain.
$ 4,4 billion Blockchain startup investments worldwide in the second quarter of ’21.
$ 2,5 billion NFT sales volume in the first half of 2021.
$ 174,6 million monthly turnover of Opensea, the largest NFT (Non Fungible Token) marketplace.
1,2 million downloads of Socios, the token platform for fans, from 2019 to today.


Our offer

We offer strategic consulting services regarding the Company Coin field, the corporate digital currency or token based on Blockchain, in order to analyze and develop current and new business models, optimize processes, promote relationships and loyalty programs.

Company Coin Analysis and Strategy

Analysis of the competitive landscape and the customer's current positioning in order to define a strategic and personalized roadmap to understand the business opportunities arising from the implementation of the Company Coin in the corporate organization.

What do we do:

  • Competitive landscape analysis
  • Positioning analysis
  • Business model analysis
  • Research business models best practices / case studies
  • Evaluation of opportunities and risks in the implementation of the Company Coin
  • Identification of the Company Coin model to be implemented in the company and of the underlying technology

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Analisi e strategia

Company Coin Observatory

Personalized monthly or quarterly report, aimed at the client's top management that describes trends in business models, best practices and search for new evolutions of current organizational and strategic solutions.

Vertical studies to be presented as a paper report or event organization with an audience of executive managers.

The report includes the study of:

  • National and international statistics
  • Surveys
  • Use cases and current trends
  • Market research
  • Key players
  • Review of news / press / relevant events
  • Best practices

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Company Coin creation

Strategic roadmap on the opportunities for the evolution of the company's business model consisting of:

  • Asset and strengths analysis
  • Proposals for implementing identified opportunities
  • Strategic proposals for innovating the current business model of the company
  • Strategic proposals for the development of new business models
  • Definition of a platform for the creation and management of digital currency
  • Identification of technological stakeholders and suppliers
  • Maintenance and support

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Training and Speech

Our experts are trained to hold high-level training courses and introductory speeches, during corporate events, on the subject of the business models of Company Coins, new models and current trends taking place on the international scene.

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Talk with us
Davide Casaleggio

Davide Casaleggio

CEO & Partner CA

Luca Eleuteri

Luca Eleuteri

Founder & Partner CA

Let's talk about Company Coin Strategy

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A conversation with Casaleggio Associati about opportunities and improvements that your company can achieve by implementing a corporate digital currency.

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Casaleggio Associati

Casaleggio Associati
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